SUPPER - On Maundy Thursday, April 5, a Passover bring-and-share supper and service will be held at the church, starting at 7pm. Contact Trixy Goodger on 01981 590637 for details.

WALK - On Good Friday a Walk of the Cross will start with a service at Yazor Church at 10am. A white cross will then be carried through the Foxley Estate to Mansel Church, where the service will finish, followed by hot cross buns and coffee.

DUCK RACE - On Easter Saturday a duck race will be held in the village, starting at 6.15pm, followed by an array of puddings. Ducks cost £1 and puddings £2 for a refillable plate.

More details from Mike and Joyce Potts on 01432 356392.

EASTER SERVICE - On Easter Sunday, family Communion at 9am will be followed by an Easter egg hunt.