THE Hereford Times is saying goodbye to one of its most dedicated helpers after three decades.

Kathleen Stanley took her last advert for the HT when she recently retired from her job at Kington Pet Suppliers.

She started helping the advertising department while selling specialist animal products in the 1970s.

And if it wasn't enough to combine the two jobs at the Kington store, Kathleen was involved in years of charity work, helping to raise money for the Air Ambulance and children in Russia by knitting jumpers and bonnets.

Kathleen hopes to enjoy her retirement by taking good care of her garden - all five acres of it!

She will also be going to Australia in December with her husband to enjoy the cricket.

"I'd like to thank everyone for their kind gifts and all those who have helped with my charity work," she added. "Good luck to Lee Dugan, who will take over my responsibilities, which include taking the paper's adverts."