A MUCH-loved Hereford mother and grandmother has died from a rare heart condition, aged 36.

Philippa Brookes had nearly four years on her "borrowed heart" following a transplant but her partner, Nigel Buckley, says he always knew the day would come when he would have to say goodbye.

"There were no real problems until about a month ago," he said, "but I have always been realistic and in the back of my mind I knew she was borrowing a heart."

Philippa's family, including her five children, are keen that others can get the extra years similar to those they shared and have asked that her heart be sent off for examination to see if it can be used again to help another family.

One of the hardest hit by the death was Philippa's mother, Jennifer, who had already lost a husband and two sons, Philippa's older brothers, from the same heart condition, linked to a problematic valve.

And in another sad twist of fate for the family, Philippa's two-year-old granddaughter Tegan is now in and out of the Children's Hospital in Birmingham with heart problems. "It's not a related condition," said Nigel, "just coincidence and bad luck."

He added: "As a family we are trying to be strong and help each other as best we can. The children are keeping themselves together and getting on with things just as their mum would have wanted."

Sonia Bedford said of her best friend: "She was always happy and refused to let things get her down."

Philippa was well known throughout the city through her jobs, first as a barmaid at the Crystal Rooms and more recently as a cleaner at the Welsh Club, were she was well liked by the members.

Her funeral was held yesterday (Wednesday) at St Martin's Church, with donations going to the heart and lung transplant unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, where Nigel says she received excellent care from the friendly staff.