HEREFORDSHIRE planners have rejected a plea from the city's MP and parish councillors for more time to consider a proposal for a waste treatment plant at Madley.

MP Paul Keetch and Madley Parish Council wanted proposals, which are due to be considered at a planning meeting at the end of October, to be shelved.

But Andrew Ashcroft, head of planning services, believes there has already been sufficient consultation for the application by Estech Europe to be considered.

Mr Keetch had called for alternative sites such as Morton-on-Lugg, where he says there is better road and rail access, to be considered.

But Andrew Ashcroft says the southern area planning committee is required to determine the application as submitted on its merits.

"On the basis of current information, the current timetable for reporting the application to the October meeting is considered to be reasonable," said Mr Ashcroft.