TWO professional burglars who targeted post offices along the Herefordshire and Worcestershire border have started 12-year custodial sentences.

Malcolm Hitchings and Thomas Lloyd, both aged 20, were convicted by a jury at Worcester Crown Court two months ago of conspiracy to burgle, steal and commit arson, possession of criminal property, burglary, theft, perverting the course of justice and making off from garages without paying for petrol.

In a month-long raiding spree in the summer of 2005, the drug-fuelled pair entered vulnerable premises for cash and cigarettes.

Recorder John Ross QC said they had shown no remorse for their crimes and had been responsible for a terrifying confrontation when they left Alan Davies with life-threatening injuries after battering him with a jemmy while he worked at Hanley Swan post office at night.

Mr Ross, who sentenced the pair last Friday, said: "In a moment of panic, you lashed out and caused horrific injuries. You are professional burglars who regard offending as part of your daily routine."

Mr Davies, who needed two operations, still suffers from headaches and balance problems, anger outbursts and a feeling of insecurity, said prosecutor Peter Cooke.

Hitchings and Lloyd, both from Waterloo Place, Aberdare, south Wales, were trapped by police who set up Operation Nocturn.

The raiders stole cars as getaway vehicles for at least 12 night raids in the countryside against targets like post offices and shops in Malvern, Much Marcle, Bosbury, Welland and Colwall.

A number of cars were set ablaze to destroy evidence. But the jemmy was recovered from one vehicle and its heel matched to the wound on Mr Davies's head.

Hilary Roberts, for Hitchings - who previously lived in Brookhill Close, Colwall - said he descended into crime through uncontrollable amphetamine abuse.

Although it was a sustained campaign of burglary, there never was any intention to hurt anyone like Mr Davies, he added.

Mr Roberts said Hitchings had been given no proper direction in life and he deserved to be "richly punished" without being crushed for the future.

Neal Williams, defending Lloyd, said he came from a good family who had never tried to excuse his conduct.

"They can only stand by, watch and suffer the consequences of his convictions," he said.

Mr Williams said Lloyd would reflect during his sentence on the terrible mistakes he had made in life and the appalling strain he had put on his loved ones.

Both youths carried out the raid spree while on bail for deception crimes. Hitchings had 43 previous offences on his record and Lloyd had seven.