SIXTY years is a significant achievement in any field and Hereford Concert Society has constructed quite a programme to celebrate its diamond jubilee.

From its beginnings in 1946, the society has undergone a few name changes but always maintained its policy of presenting a season of high class professional music-making.

From a music club it metamorphosed into a music society, then finally into a concert society.

Music teacher and singer Pamela White has been involved with the society for more than 30 years, the past 15 as chairman.

"The most significant change has been the move from staging concerts all over Hereford - the Shirehall, the Town Hall and the Bishop's Palace - to finding a permanent base, which we have in the Courtyard," she said.

"Another really positive development has been the workshops with young people in conjunction with the Courtyard's Music Pool, which has seen artists like cellist Julian Lloyd Webber and the Barkham Harp Quartet spending time with Hereford's young musicians."

Besides a sparkling line-up of artistes, the society is hoping to set up a bursary for a young Hereford musician who is going on to higher education to study music.

The society is also renowned for booking young artists on the brink of their career, like trumpeter Alison Balsom, who is now at the top of her game.

They also excel in attracting top international musicians to Hereford - the likes of concert pianist Joanna MacGregor and leading violinist Tasmin Little.

The society's 100 plus members enjoy discounts on ticket prices as well as free parking.

"Our audience has grown and people are much more willing to try new things these days. Last season we booked Zum, who play everything from classics to gipsy music, and people loved them. We want to introduce them to as wide a range of music as possible."

Highlights of the diamond season include clarinettist Emma Johnson (March 13); percussionist Evelyn Glennie (October 18) and 13-piece Haffner Wind Ensemble (May 31), directed by Society president Nicholas Daniel.

Full season details are available on the Courtyard website at and tickets are available on 0870 1122330.