A GROUP of teenagers were caught trying to dig their way into Hereford's Castle Green last weekend.

They had already dug an 8ft deep hole in the riverside bank when their Great Escape-style exploits were discovered by Mark Hubbard, chairman of the Friends of the Castle Green, who was alarmed at the damage to such an important historic site.

He was equally concerned that the massive hole could have collapsed, burying some of the three-strong group Mark said: "They were hidden in the undergrowth which has been allowed by the council to grow up on the south side of the Castle Green overlooking the river.

"They must have been digging for days. It proves the point the Friends have been making that the bank should be cleared to open up the view over the river from the Castle Green."

He added: "It was a huge excavation for no understandable reason, although they could have been trying to make a den. Because of a lack of education about the importance of the Castle Green as the site of Hereford's medieval castle, the youngsters said they did not realise they were damaging an ancient monument. They said they thought it was just wasteland."

The county's archaeological unit is supervising the repair work.

The vandalism comes just after Herefordshire Council told the Friends of the Castle Green that money had been earmarked to start a riverbank clearance project at Castle Green in association with English Heritage and English Nature.