REHEARSALS are going well for Kington and District Operatic Society's (KADOS) forthcoming production of Gilbert and Sullivan's Iolanthe, being performed in Presteigne and Kington this month.

This tale of fairies and peers, Lord Chancellors and Wards in Chancery contains many examples of both librettist and composer at their finest, including such numbers as the majestic March of the Peers, the Lord Chancellor's descriptive nightmare' song and the sentry's musings that everyone is born "either a little liberal, or else a little conservative".

Many of Gilbert's sharp-witted jibes at life within the Palace of Westminster have a surprisingly relevant ring today, despite having been written a hundred years ago.

The company will present a semi-staged costumed version in Presteigne Memorial Hall on Saturday, October 21, and full performances at Lady Hawkins' Community Leisure Centre, Kington from October 26-28, all at 7.30pm. Lynne Owens directs.

Tickets for Kington are available from Tom Bounds Electrical (01544 231313), and for Presteigne from Winnie's Newsagents, or on the door at both venues.