Stamp out crime at work in Herefordshire - county employees are being urged to call Crimestoppers and give information about offences in the workplace.

Bosses are also being encouraged to join the fight against crime by putting up posters at work advertising the Crimestoppers number.

West Mercia Crimestoppers member Luke Conod said: "The answer to solving crime at work is in your hands.

"Put up our posters in business premises and if you have information about a theft at work or a crime anywhere, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, giving as much information as you can so it can be followed up by the police.

"You do not have to give your name or any personal details, yet you may be eligible for a cash reward. Just give us the information to catch criminals."

A total of 5,000 posters advertising the fight against crime at work are available to county businesses.

Another 20,000 smaller cards containing the Crimestoppers call details are also being given to businesses to include in their staff salary advice slips.

"This gives out the information in an intensely personal way and is very effective in getting people to call Crimestoppers," said Mr Conod, managaing director of DNG in Hereford.

Crime prevention campaigners believe that the posters being on display will deter some criminals, knowing that they can be easily "shopped" by workmates.

Similar posters in some business premises had helped to reduce crime, revealed Mr Conod.

"In one premises crime was cut quite dramatically simply because thieves realised that they could be shopped at any time," he said. "It had a successful impact on their crime at work."

Crime at work cost businesses many thousands of pounds and, in the event of serious losses could put jobs at risk, he added.

Posters and wage slip cards are available from regional co-ordinator Steve Hill on 01905 332262.