BRITISH Transport Police are appealing for help to trace youths who have been seen trespassing on railway lines in Herefordshire.

During one week alone there were four incidents reported to police of route crime and anti-social behaviour.

British Transport Police Chief Insp Kevin Marshall, sector commander for the South West of England, said: "These types of incidents are rare but every incident is one too many. We are keen to get the message across to young people and the community of the dangers of trespassing which may not sound like a serious offence but, in the unforgiving environment of the railway, it can be a major safety hazard. Trespassers put themselves, rail staff and passengers in danger."

On Wednesday, September 20, at 7.30pm, two youths were seen crossing the tracks from Platform 1 to Barrs Court Road and towards Hopton Road. They are described as white males aged between 16 and 18, both with dark coloured hair. One wore a dark blue top and blue jeans and the other wore a white hooded top and blue jeans.

On Saturday, September 23, at 3.35pm, the outer skin of a train driver's window was cracked by stone throwing in the Goodwin Way area, south of Hereford train station.

"Stone throwing is potentially fatal. Even a small stone dropped from a bridge and meeting a train traveling at 100mph can kill," said Chief Insp Marshal.

On Monday, September 25, at 10.49am, two youths were seen crossing the tracks from Platform 1 to Barrs Court and then towards Bryngwyn Close. They are described as white males, both with dark coloured hair. One wore a hooded top.

On Wednesday, September 27, at 12.45pm, a youth was challenged about tickets on Platform 3 and became verbally abusive to staff at the barriers.

Chief Insp Marshall said that trespassers seen on lines meant rail and police staff had to be diverted from other duties. Trains were delayed and fare-paying passengers were the losers.

"Rail staff are on the frontline of service delivery and are, unfortunately, sometimes subject to assault, however they should not have to tolerate this type of behaviour. Incidents are rare but every incident is one too many."

British Transport Police are urging witnesses or anyone with information, to contact them on Freefone 0800 405040 or to ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.