LEOMINSTER town crier Dave Taylor, who took on the ceremonial job barely 12 months ago, was "dead chuffed" after being placed fourth out of 25 competitors at the National Town Criers' Championships held at Hastings.

Dave, who is also a part-time firefighter and a magician, was beaten by the reigning national champion Jez Clark of Lenham, Kent, with the criers of Lyme Regis and Dorchester taking second and third places.

But Leominster's man, who sang the praises of his home town as part of the competition, was well-pleased with the result after facing stiff competition from some of the most sonorous and colourful town criers in the country.

"It was only my third competition and my first time in the national championships - I'll be going all out to win next year, " said Dave.

He said he and his wife Judy enjoyed an amazing weekend programme which included the biggest ever battle re-enactment in Europe - a replay of the Battle of Hastings to mark its 940th anniversary.

After their contest the town criers led a 1,000 strong torch-lit procession to a spectacular firework display.