A YOUNG Herefordshire student has gained her pilot's licence in memory of the teacher who first got her interested in flying.

Charlotte Balcombe, aged 19, was a pupil at Lady Hawkins High School in Kington when she was given the chance to take a flight in a light aircraft to take some photographs for her fine art A-level.

During the flight she became enthralled and under supervision, the teenager was given an impromptu first lesson and was allowed to spend time at the controls.

The flight captivated Charlotte, whose only previous experience of aircraft was going on holiday.

In fact she was so taken by the experience, she decided to take a year off to learn to fly before going to university.

Working for a year at The New Inn at Pembridge and for Landmark Management Services in Ludlow, together with a little help from her parents, Charlotte was able to raise the £7,000 needed to pay for her lessons at Shobdon aerodrome.

The teacher that organised that life- changing first flight was Andrew Papps, who taught physics and maths at Lady Hawkin.

Andrew had recently gained his pilot's licence and was converting to a new type of aircraft at the time under the instruction of Paul Stanley, from Shobdon.

"I remember the flight. Charlotte had the chance to fly for a considerable time and was very taken by the experience.

"When people say it is expensive to have flying lessons, I remind them of how Charlotte was able to work to fulfil her dream," said Paul.

But tragedy struck in August when Andrew Papps suddenly died of a heart attack just weeks before Charlotte took the final test for her licence.

Although deeply upset by his death, Charlotte was determined to carry on and has dedicated her success in gaining her licence to the teacher that sparked her interest.

She is now studying architecture at Plymouth University but has not ruled out the possibility of a future career in aviation - possibly as a commercial pilot.