HEREFORDSHIRE'S first carbon neutral village is hoping to become light fantastic.

The first step on the route to becoming carbon neutral is to switch as many light bulbs over to low energy ones. Brilley aims to do just that.

Brilley's school and church have both switched over their light bulbs. More than 200 low energy light bulbs have been provided by Marches Energy Agency to help residents to reduce their electricity bills and their impact on the environment.

A wide range of low-priced energy efficient light bulbs have been made available, with profits going back into the community. One low energy light bulb can save £100 in its lifetime.

As part of the first anniversary of the Brilley and Michaelchurch Environment Group, residents were recommended to change over as many light bulbs as possible.

Marches Energy Agency has been working with the community as part of a Herefordshire Leader+ project for the past 12 months. To help the community achieve its aim to become carbon neutral, the agency produced a community climate change strategy.

It is a detailed analysis showing how residents can save money while saving energy and the environment through doing things such as insulating their lofts, switching to green electricity and putting solar panels on their roofs.

For further information contact Ruth Morgan (Brilley Environment Group): or Kris McGowan (Project Manager):