PEOPLE working with children and young people are being encouraged to book a ticket for the premiere of a film which looks at managing the behaviour of youngsters.

It may not have the glamour, glitz and red carpet associated with the launch of a Hollywood blockbuster, but those behind Managing Behaviour believe it has the potential to give newly qualified teachers the star quality to control a class full of children.

The first public screening of the film, at the Courtyard, takes place tomorrow (Friday) at 1pm.

"The film has been produced by Herefordshire Council and features experienced teachers and artists talking about how they keep control and get the most out of sessions with children and young people," said arts learning officer Sarah Laws.

"The film includes chapters called The Heckler, Beginnings and Consistency and covers the full range of issues that anyone working with children is likely to face," added Sarah.

The screening will be introduced by Abby Laws, from the council's children's services, who has more than 25 years' teaching experience in inner-city London and Herefordshire, and currently works with the medical and behavioural support services.

Abby will be on hand at the screening to answer questions about working with young people. Following the screening, those who attend will be able to buy copies of the DVD for £10.

For more details, 01432 383658.