TWO nurses at a Hereford rural practice have won a £1,000 prize for the way they try to keep their patients healthy.

Sarah Coomber and Carol Scarisbrick work at Fownhope Medical Centre and were judged the best by the national Practice Nurse Magazine for their programme to help patients with chronic breathing problems and reducing the risk of them occurring in the first place.

Sarah has won an award for similar work in the past and this time, the surgery held a tea party to celebrate the latest success.

Sarah and Carol advise patients on health initiatives available at the surgery and place great emphasis on walking as an exercise and the need to control weight.

The £1,000 will go into the surgery fund to be used on more health initiatives in the future.

Meanwhile, healthcare assistant Jean Dawe has spent 25 years on the staff at the medical centre.

Colleagues praised Mrs Dawe, who lives in Hereford, for her loyalty and work and presented her with a silver gift and flowers to mark her quarter of a century of service in the rural practice.

6 Jean Dawe, who was presented with gifts for 25 years service at the centre. 063919-2. Below: Members of staff celebrate the nursing awards with patients. 063919-1.