COFFEE - Two Macmillan coffee mornings were held in Pembridge on Friday. The Kings House Restaurant raised £555 and £270 was raised by The Old Chapel Gallery.

MARKET - The last craft and produce market of the season was held in the Market Square on Saturday. This successful monthly market will recommence in May 2013.

WI - Pembridge WI meets in the village hall on Wednesday at 7pm with a demonstration of butchery skills by Roger Williams of Marston Meats. New members are welcome.

Contact Margherite Fothergill on 01544 388279 or Tricia Lloyd on 340340 CONCERT - The Helen Verecker Singers will be holding a pop and rock concert in Pembridge Village Hall on October 12 at 7.30pm. Tickets are £6 (under-12s £3) from The Olde Steppes or by phoning 01544 388769. Bring your own drinks. Proceeds will be split between Pembridge Good Neighbours Scheme and Pride in Pembridge.

BONFIRE NIGHT - On November 5 Guy Fawkes will be sent to the bonfire on Millennium Meadow at 7pm followed by fireworks at 7.30pm. There will be a bar and a burger and hot dog stand.

SUPPER - Pembridge harvest supper is in the village hall on October 28 at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5, available from The Olde Steppe or the rector on 01544 388998.