SCHOOL AWARD - Mordiford CE Primary School has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom. Mordiford’s international work includes two years’ joint project work with partner schools from Spain, Italy, Sweden, Turkey and the UK. Pupils from years five and six have stayed with host families to experience life and school there while staff have had opportunities to see the education systems in these countries.

Mordiford has also hosted pupils and staff from the partner countries. Teacher exchanges have also taken place with linked schools in New Dehli, India, and the school is now making links with a primary school in Kenya. John Rolfe from the British Council, said: “Employers are telling us that international skills are just as important as exam results, so everything the school is doing is vital preparation for life in a global society and work in a global economy. 2012 is a big year for the UK on the world’s stage, and the school deserves a gold medal of its own for all its outstanding commitment to a range of fantastic international work.” Any school wanting to find out more about the awards can visit

AFFORDABLE HOUSING - At the parish council meeting an update was provided on the progress with the affordable housing development at Sufton Rise. Subject to final amendments to the drainage system a planning application is likely to be submitted in November. The council noted that the accounts had been audited and no issues had been raised. The finance group agreed to meet to start looking at the budget for next financial year. The activities held for children at Mordiford School over the summer holidays were discussed and it was agreed that the parish council would be supportive of further events – however, they would need to be more financially sustainable.

The clerk was asked to report many road defects in the parish and residents are reminded that they can report any problems directly to Herefordshire Council on 01432 261800. Three new grit bins were ordered which will be placed at Pentaloe Close, Dormington and above the Iron Room in Checkley. The next parish council meeting is on November 6 at 7.30pm. Agendas will be placed on the noticeboards about a week beforehand and residents are welcome to attend.