MOTHERS’ UNION - The Deanery MU communion service is in St Mary's Church today (Thursday) at 2.30pm, followed by tea and a bring-and-buy sale.

WILDPLAY AT Pembridge - After school tomorrow (Friday) on the Millennium Meadow 3.30pm-5.30pm. Explore your park with Jo Dainty of Herefordshire Nature Trust.

For ages four-13. Details from 01432 356852.

COFFEE - Pembridge Good Neighbours Scheme coffee morning is on Saturday in Pembridge village hall between 10am and noon. Any parishioners wishing to attend but having transport difficulties can contact Pat Stokes on 01544 388769 HISTORY - Pembridge History Group meets on Tuesday at 7.30pm in the New Inn. Details from Bob Anderson on 01544 388292.

PARISH PLAN - There will be an open meeting to discuss Pembridge parish plan at Pembridge Village Hall on Wednesday at 7.30pm.