Plans have been revealed for improvements to five Herefordshire schools.

A contract worth just under £100,000 has been awarded to upgrade the roof of St Martin’s Primary School, Hereford.

Following a tender by Herefordshire Council, the work will be carried out by to Central Roofing.

The work forms part of the council’s ongoing schools capital maintenance programme. Not carrying out the work would pose a health and safety risk, the council said.


It is also looking for a contractor to carry out £290,000 of “adaptations and improvements” at the specialist Barr’s Court School & the Hub in the St Owen’s Centre, Symonds Street in Hereford.

This consists of creating a new dedicated front entrance, widening external doors and screens, and re-fitting of the kitchen to make it a “teachable space”, and is expected to take until the end of October.

It is also tendering for a contractor to upgrade roof guttering at Marlbrook Primary School, also in Hereford, which are currently allowing water and damaging the fabric of the school building.

Valued at £105,000, this work is due to take until the end of August.


Sutton Primary Academy and preschool north of Hereford has meanwhile been given permission to build a 40-square-metre extension to house a hygiene and physiotherapy room, to allow pupils with special needs to access mainstream education.

Backing the proposal, planning officer Eleanor Barry considered the extension would be “subservient to the main building”, and that its “scale and design is acceptable and would be in keeping the surrounding rural area”.

And Eardisley Church of England primary school meanwhile plans (in its application numbered 241067) a “small” single-storey extension to an existing classroom, which can be commented on until June 27.