A HEREFORD primary school has been rated "outstanding" by Ofsted.

After an inspection of Riverside Primary School in Belmont Avenue, Hereford, Ofsted has published a report praising the school's education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision.

The report said: "This is a large, vibrant and happy primary school in the heart of the city. There is a wonderfully inclusive culture in which everyone feels welcome and everyone belongs.

"The school's aim "for every child to become a happy, responsible and effective citizen" is realised through a relentless drive by staff to do the very best for each and every pupil. There is also a tireless ambition for pupils to achieve well.

"As a result of the excellent relationships and environment, pupils work very hard. Their work is of high quality, and they take great care to do their best.

"Pupils' behaviour is exemplary; they are kind and considerate. There is a safe culture here in which pupils feel secure and confidence.

"Incidences of poor behaviour are rare, and there is no tolerance of bullying. If either happens, pupils have total faith in adults to sort it out quickly."

Riverside Primary School has received an "outstanding" rating (Image: JRN Visuals)

There was no criticism of the school in the Ofsted report, with the school receiving glowing praise from inspectors in every single area.

Lead inspector Gareth Morgan added: "The school makes lessons thoroughly engaging for pupils. 

"Teachers and staff provide information clearly and use subject vocabulary precisely. This means that pupils gain a secure understanding of concepts such as the water cycle in science or pitch, pulse and rhythm in music. They become skilled mathematicians. 

"There is a vast range of valuable opportunities and experiences for pupils that promote their personal development. 

"Pupils make a tangible difference to their lunches and playtime, supporting one another by becoming lunchtime heroes and playtime buddies."


Support for children with special educational needs and disabilities was also praised.

Headteacher Emma Shearer told the Hereford Times: "I am incredibly proud of the whole school community. The report reflects our school perfectly."

Riverside previously received a "good" rating at its last inspection in 2018.