A HEREFORD kids club is celebrating after a recent Ofsted inspection.

Lord Scudamore Kids Club in Hereford has met the standards for early years provision, according to an Ofsted inspection in May.

Inspectors said the club, which is run at Lord Scudamore Primary Academy, has a welcoming, safe and secure environment, with "strong leadership".

The culture around safeguarding was said to be "open and positive" with effective arrangements for keeping children safe.

The club's emphasis on good hygiene was highlighted, as "staff gently remind children to wash their hands before they help themselves to the healthy snacks which staff provide".

Ofsted praised the club's wide range of good-quality toys and resources that support children's play.


The report added: "This well-organised club operates within the host school. The kind and caring staff develop secure relationships with children. Young children are brought to the club by their class teachers. They speak to staff to share information. Staff offer reassuring cuddles to children who are new to the club.

"Staff provide children with a good range of play activities. Children move freely around the spacious areas to play. They have fun as they fill and empty different containers with water and sand. Children use their imagination as they pretend to cook in the kitchen. They behave well.

"Children know what is expected from them because staff work closely with the host school to offer a consistent approach to behaviour management. Children use good manners and play cooperatively with their friends. They say excuse me as they walk past their friends."

Lord Scudamore Primary Academy's headteacher Mrs Alison Taylor said: "We are overjoyed with the Ofsted report for Lord Scudamore's kids holiday club. This achievement reflects the hard work and dedication of our staff, the enthusiasm of our children, and the support from our community. It's a proud moment for all of us, affirming that we are providing a nurturing and inspiring environment for all our children."

The kids club is open from Monday to Friday all year round, with sessions from 7.45am to 8.50am and 3pm to 5.30pm during term time, and 7.45am to 5.30pm in school holidays. It closes for two weeks at Christmas.