GROWING up in Hereford I have seen many of my peers leave the county and seek careers in larger cities. I often get asked, “Are you going to move away?” And the answer is always, no, I love Hereford.

I accept that our routes in and out of the city can be difficult and that the high street has experienced a reduction in footfall, however, I’d argue that this reflects UK-wide society. We often forget to notice our city’s strengths, and among these are Hereford’s significant number of micro-businesses and SMEs – developed by ambitious individuals who want to support the economic regeneration of our city.

We also have a great deal of investment in the county via the Stronger Towns Fund. This will provide new opportunities, amenities and aspirations for those in the area, and increase tourism levels across the county driving further income into the hands of our hardworking communities.

Backed by over £2 million in capital funding from the Government’s Towns Fund, the NMITE Future of Work Skills Hub will be located at our Blackfriars campus in the heart of Hereford. It will provide a testbed for innovation; a growth hub for enterprise; and a space for developing specialist expertise.


The Skills Hub will equip individuals and our region with advanced skills that promise a more prosperous future for our city. NMITE wants to raise aspirations within the community, support local job creation, and introduce new engines of economic growth.

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Of course, this focus on innovation is intertwined with NMITE’s degree offering and CPD programmes all of which look to provide further growth and opportunity for our city. NMITE’s aim are part of the broader Stronger Hereford programme – an exciting initiative focused on making Hereford a better place to live, learn, work and visit.

So, when I’m asked why I haven’t moved away, yes, it’s because I love Hereford. But it’s the ‘why’, that keeps me here.