IN an open letter to our local Herefordshire councillors, on behalf of concerned users of the Ledbury Halo complex, I am looking for the truth within the rumours and speculation currently circulating.

As our council representatives at county level you will no doubt have this information.

I am advised that the ownership of the Ledbury Halo land and buildings has been transferred or sold to Halo Ltd.

This is an admirable move to remove any temptation to sell for retail development within Ledbury.

So now Halo, as a limited company and a charity, owns the Ledbury complex lock, stock and barrel.

What does disturb me is the degree of secrecy and lack of publicity surrounding the actions taken.

If my information is accurate, why the degree of secrecy?

Is there something to hide which will prove in due course to be controversial and unpopular within the town?

Going back to my original contact with you on this subject your response was positive and enthusiastic.

If you are able to advise the truth of the current situation it will be appreciated.