IN reply to Peter Blench’s letter in the Hereford Times (April 18), I would not be in favour of more than 50 homes being built on Dales site in Leominster.

However I would welcome a Sainsbury’s on that site.

I have shopped in Leominster for the last 13 years and certainly cannot describe Morrison’s, Aldi and the Co-op as superstores. In fact the last two are no more than convenience stores.

Leominster does also have B&Q, which is only DIY and gardening.

If more housing is needed, why has the Barons Close site not yet been developed?

I think that the answer to the last question is that there is no infrastructure yet in place, which should be a priority.

Leominster is not in a position to cope with thousands of more residents until the traffic problems have been sorted out.

A western by-pass is needed, also another dental practice (there is only one, and also only one doctor’s surgery).

More school places are needed, the Post Office is wrongly sited and totally inadequate for the current population and parking is an expensive nightmare.

ANDREA FOX, Mayfield, Eardisland