AM I the only one? Having lived in Ledbury for well over 20 years I have not yet been able to accept the intrusive low-flying of war planes on "exercises".

Some days the noise levels have been frequently above that which, if caused by a neighbour, would allow me to put an injunction upon them!

On one occasion, when on a ladder painting, a sudden overfly from a jet caused me to lose my balance (no injury). I complained to the MOD and a reply from a senior official gave no apology but said it was a German exercise! It seems to me these "exercises" are more to enable fighters to partake in wars abroad (which I abhor) and nothing to do with protection of my homeland. If they really need to "exercise" why not do it in Germany or France? On holiday there I have never heard war planes at exercise.

Does anyone out there share my opinion?

Richard Johnson The Cottages, Bosbury, Ledbury.