IT COMES as no surprise that Channel 4 was going ahead last night (Wednesday) with screening footage of the wrecked car containing Princess Diana, helpless and fatally injured.

When London hosted a permanent freak show of preserved, skinned and weirdly posed dead people (Body Worlds), the nation seemed enthralled and enchanted. Channel 4 followed this and went on to give their audience a live televised autopsy. The nation, once again seemed largely delighted.

Channel 4, sensing they were on to a good thing went on to screen a Chinese artist' cooking, dismembering and eating a dead baby girl foetus (Beijing Swings). This country watched and then hardly said a word, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. In fact she was almost at the end of her nine month term and would have looked like a healthy newborn baby had she not died during her last moments in the womb.

Judging Beijing Swings, programme regulator OFCOM ruled: "In this instance, Channel 4 has not broken current standards of decency".

Well, the upshot of their lack of action against Channel 4 then means the emboldened company is now offering us, in the comfort of our own homes the chance to watch Diana struggle for her last breath.

Watching this latest offering will only encourage this disgraceful corporation to come up with something even more shocking next time.

Death is sad, leaves loved ones behind and deserves our deepest respect. That it has become cheap entertainment is a damning indictment on modern Britain.

I truly feel for Harry and Wills, they must think we are a nation of heartless bastards.

Martin Wyness, Harold Street, Hereford.