I WAS sorry to read the letter regarding flooding from Leonard Taylor (Hereford Times, June 7).

I can understand his concern if his property is really under threat of flooding. Before I retired I was chief engineer (land drainage) to the then Welsh Water Authority covering the areas of the six river divisions which included the Wye catchment. I have spent all my career carrying out flood relief works in various parts of the country. Previously, the data for flood maps was factual, being obtained from actual flood events, and could be relied on. If there was any doubt about a site then the authority would look at the geological maps to see if alluvian deposits were shown.

The Environmental Agency nowadays calculates the extent of the flood area, mainly using computer models, with some quite ridiculous results. Flood plain modelling is by no means an exact science, with countless variables in terrain and rainfall statistics, and yet it is used to produce a firm flood contour line.

For instance in my last village, Dorstone, the flood map shows my previous house flooded and surrounded by floods which even engulfed the church. I lived in this house for 28 years and never experienced flooding. I know for certain the previous two occupiers were not flooded, covering many years. As for the church, this has not been flooded in living memory and most likely never. I would say my previous house never flooded but the site might well have done after the last ice age.

Readers who have such letters should get on to the EA website, click flooding, enter their post code and this should show the supposed flood extent in blue.

Ray Caine, Ross-on-Wye.