WAY back in the depths of winter, you kindly published a letter from me that highlighted some unnecessary spending by our council, and compared the lack of spending on large potholes along Hinton Avenue in particular.

Within a week of my letter appearing in Readers' Times, the potholes were filled, albeit rather hastily and tardily. Whether this was as a result of my letter I have no knowledge, but belated thanks to the good old Hereford Times for helping.

Seven months later the repaired potholes are - well, becoming significant potholes again.

A recently published study concluded that damage from potholes is costing motorists millions of pounds - not to mention the danger of severe injuries to cyclists and pedestrians.

Apparently, 14% of UK drivers have needed a car repair due to potholes in the last five years, with the Midlands being the worst affected - accumulating an annual bill of £37 million.

The report calculated that the average cost to repair a car damaged by a pothole was £95, yet the cost to repair a pothole cost an average of £56.

Perhaps, our council could take note of these findings?

LES WILLIAMS, Chestnut Drive, Hinton.