In conjunction with RQA Management Consultants, we have been appointed by Herefordshire Council to work together on a proposed new library for Herefordshire within the Edgar Street Grid.

The consultancy team has experience of reviewing library operations, making recommendations for and implementing design proposals for modern library buildings.

We will be consulting local groups and individuals during the next few weeks to identify what services and functions people of Herefordshire would like to see included in the building. We have been asked to look at services going beyond those traditionally perceived as library services, and what related services might fit well in a new building - for example: internet café facilities, improved access to reference materials or archive records.

We believe that we will best understand the aspirations and desires of Herefordshire residents by talking to representatives of key groups and individuals in the community.

We would be grateful, therefore, for your taking some time to tell us about, for example, current and potential use of a new library, the range of services that could or should be included within or be linked to a building for the 21st century, and your ideas about encouraging increased use.

Please post your comment on this letter on the Hereford Times' website at under Your Say or write to Readers Times, Hereford Times, Holmer Road, HR4 9UJ.

Thank you for your assistance and we look forward to hearing your views.

CARLETON EARL, Senior Libraries Consultant, RQA Ltd for McMorran and Gatehouse Architects