T has become more apparent that litter is a huge problem in Hereford, in common with many other towns.

The police/wardens cannot be at every street corner, even if their numbers were far greater, so it comes down to educating people to change their attitudes and be more responsible in their social behaviour.

As a lad, accompanied by friends, we enjoyed visiting places like Cardiff and Birmingham to watch football matches. Invariably, a trip to a fish and chip shop followed the match - no other takeaways in those days. However, we would always place our wrappings in a bin, even if this meant holding on to them until we walked to the station to locate a bin.

Today, so many people appear to believe it is acceptable to dispose of wrappings wherever they wish, irrespective of nuisance, and offence. Anybody who politely points out such a misdemeanour is likely to finish up needing a doctor.

Perhaps, the softly-softly approach has failed and the only real alternative is to hit people hard in their pockets, or make them partake in community service to re-educate?

It has often been said people will only change their behaviour when they experience the consequences of it.

I would be most interested to hear of any initiatives that have been successful in tackling such issues.

ROBERT CHARLES, Hampton Dene Road, Hereford.