I DON'T honestly think our local council can justify charging us excessive council taxes when all you have to do is look around our beautiful little town of Leominster and see what a dreadful state our footpaths are in.

It is by some miracle that nobody has been seriously injured especially the elderly and young.

Several people have tripped up through no fault of their own including myself in lower Etnam Street. Why doesn't the council maintain these footpaths and make it a more user-friendly place? A lot of money has been spent on Corn Square but what good is it if nobody can walk safely around the town by day/night.

We are supposed to be looking after the environment but I don't see many doing their bit. If we don't act now in another 10/15 years the footpaths/roads will be in dire straits.

Come on, wake up before it's too late.

ELIZABETH SAVAGAR, Caswell Crescent, Leominster.