I WAS so pleased to read Councillor Matthews’ letter as it chimes exactly with my own thoughts. Very recently I was wandering around the Broad Street, King Street area and thought this is surely the area the council should be redeveloping. I have made the suggestion in many quarters that the Green Dragon would make an excellent library and the through way would make a good entrance to a newly developed area. Now is the time for people to be courageous and say the proposals for the ESG are time expired. Everything has moved on and there is nothing wrong with making a new start. Of course, when people have been employed to move the thing forward on a prestigious salary there is a lot of vested interest and careers on the line but this should not be the driving factor. I have not yet met anyone of either gender or of any age state they are in support of the ESG. Should we not trust the public and recognise that sometimes, when there is overwhelming opinion about something: it just maybe correct. What about a public demonstration of feeling?

All power to Councillor Matthews as he fights this rearguard action Janet Shott, Nightingale Way, Hereford.