I HAVE been totally amazed with the talk of Gordon Brown wanting to mess with the monarchy. Are there not more pressing things on the agenda?

Things such as making sure local government does not increase the rates and charges above inflation? By the way Herefordshire Council, that is nought per cent, so why are you putting ours up?

Has Mr Brown not noticed we are having a bit of a cash crisis in this country and the world? Can we not leave something alone that is not broken?

The monarchy in this country, along with the patriotism of the population, is what made it Great Britain. That’s GB not PC, because if we become any more politically correct we will have lost all our identity and pride.

I am all for liberal minds and action and there have been a lot of good progressive moves over the past few decades but they are now getting beyond a joke.

Please, please, please, Gordon, leave us some tradition in this country of ours. If the Royals want to pass the crown on to a daughter not a son, let them make that decision, not you. They raise more revenue for the country than they cost. By the way the G20 summit cost taxpayers more than £20.6 million – what’s that all about? We could save another mismanaged bank for that or invest in our Royal Mail service rather than flog it to someone else.

Our monarchy may have its quirks and idiosyncrasies but so what? They are still respected world-wide and stand for something that has long since vanished in so many ways. Let our history books continue to include the status that so many others envy, our Royal Family. We need a little fairytale in this dark depressing time.

ROBERT P BRIMFIELD, Withington, Hereford.