I WOULD like to respond to the letter regarding the demise of Hereford city centre (Hereford Times, April 16).

I moved into Hereford in October last year and think it is a very nice place. I and my family like living here.

However with regards to the city centre, I would like to say that no city centre can survive unless people spend money in it.

I note that the council is about to let the market from the cattle market move into the city centre.

I believe that this is a move in the right direction as a market will serve to attract people, which will boost trade for existing shops in the city.

If people moved away from the supermarkets and supported the city centre, they would find many goods cheaper than the supermarkets and would maybe rediscover the art of shopping.

They will be dealing with traders who will take to them as a customer and value their custom.

City centre shopping is far more interesting. I also believe that councillors will be watching and can only hope that they will play their part and let the city centre be more vibrant.

Let’s have the best market achievable.

BOB KELLY Kilvert Road, Hereford