We've moved out of the dark ages WITH reference to your letter concerning the pregnant lady's incident in Leominster.

I hope her baby is fit and healthy. My second child was born with severe disabilities including mental health problems. As I read her letter, I get the impression that he was curious about what the gender of her unborn child was. He had no intention of harming her or the baby.

We live in the 21st century, not the dark ages, when anyone born out of the norm was locked away.

My daughter, despite her problems, regularly appears in the paper. She leads a full life on the Youth Council and attends the local church where, if for some reason she is not there, they call to see if she is alright. Yes, she needs extra help to perform her duties but she manages.

Perhaps the lady concerned should arrange to visit one of the special schools that are around to see that these children and young adults are equal and are told they can achieve everything she could do.

They will never learn life if, as she suggests, they are locked away.

I am very proud of my daughter.

LYN WILLIAMS, Mother and parent on the Board of Governors of Barrs Court School.