A FORENSIC scientist has told a jury that she matched glass fragments taken from two burglary suspects with a broken window at a property near Bromyard that was targeted by an armed gang.

Dr Mandy Wood examined the clothing of Darren Randall and Robert Richards that was seized by Police after the attempted break-in at a smallholding in Stocking Lane, Whitbourne.

She concluded that there was "strong scientific evidence" to show that both men had been in contact with the broken glass.

Worcester Crown Court has heard that Richards was shot in the right thigh by Malcolm White after the gang smashed in his lounge window on October 5 last year.

Police found Richards and Randall outside a chinese takeway in Leigh Sinton where they had been taken soon after the raid to summon medical help.

The prosecution allege the gang wanted to steal cannabis plants growing in a garage at Mr White's property, equipment and drug profits.

Dr Wood said that 22 glass fragemtns were recovered from Randall's jum,per and nine out of ten examined matched the refractive index of the window glass.

She examined 12 fragments taken from Richards' t-shirt and ten matched the window.

Of 24 fragments taken from his jogging bottoms, 18 matched the window.

Dr Wood added that fragments from the targeted property were recovered from a glove and a balaclava found in a Honda abandoned near the Talbot pub in Kingtwick, with those tested matching the window.

The prosecution case is that the glove and balaclava had been worn by Richards,

Tom Walkling, for Randall, claimed the glass on his clothing could have been transferred from Richards while he was looking after him and not by direct contact with the window.

Forensic investigator Timothy Taylor also found a sledgehammer, crowbar, cable ties and a chisel inside the Honda.

The trial at Worcester Crown Court continues.