HEREFORD United boss Graham Turner has upped his offer to young star Andy Williams in a bid to keep the city-born player at Edgar Street, writes Richard Prime.

But neither Williams, who has been a recent target for Bristol Rovers, nor any of the other out of contract players - Rob Purdie, Simon Travis, Dean Beckwith and Alan Connell - have committed themselves to United for the coming season.

The players have until June 19 to respond to Turner's contract offers but, meanwhile, the Hereford director of football has been casting his net elsewhere in a bid to strengthen his squad.

"We met with players last Friday and then on Sunday but so far there is nothing to report," he said.

Hopes that Bristol Rovers would visit Edgar Street for a pre-season friendly have been dashed after the clubs were unable to agree a suitable date.

"We have three home games already confirmed, against Bristol City, West Bromwich Albion and Cheltenham Town, and visit Pegasus Juniors on July 18," said Turner.

"We are actively looking for a home game to replace the Bristol Rovers match and we shall be aiming to slot in some other away matches."

The popular club open day, which was scheduled for July 29, may have to be cancelled.

The pitch has undergone extensive work since the end of last season and Turner admitted: "We have spent a lot of money on the pitch and having close on 1,000 souls on it could do irreparable damage.

"Over the season, pitches are marked out of five. The average was 3.4 but ours was 2.8 so it was considered one of the poorest last season.

"Last year we were unable to start until late because of the play-offs but this time we had the work done early and we have been fortunate with the weather."

Off the field, work is continuing with sales of pitch-side advertising boards, programme advertising and season tickets all going steadily, according to Turner.

Time is, however, running out for under-16s to take advantage of the special price on season tickets.

Juniors, who must produce proof of identification at the time of purchase, can buy a ground season ticket for £100 and a stand season ticket for £130 up to June 15.

After that, the normal prices of £180 (ground) and £224 (stand) will apply.