TWO fine rounds of 73 and 72 earned Matt Harrison first place in the 36 hole Men's Annual Strokeplay Open at Burghill Valley GC. He was followed by John Devereux and Darren Richards, while Head Greenkeeper Steve Lloyd won the nett prize from Carl Rose and junior player Sam Hunt.

The qualification round for the Chronicle Cup was also recently played. Roger Lloyd won the medal event with a nett 68 but Kev Wallace (69) and Paul Moses (70) finished close behind. Carl Rose won the best Gross of the day with 74.

Results: R Lloyd 85-17-68 (qualifies for team), K Wallace 82-13-69 (qualifies for team), P Moses 75-5-70, A Strain 85-14-71 (qualifies for team). G Eyton also qualifies, Best Gross: C Rose 74 q Ross President Lou Whitton was the toast of the Senior side following his triumph in the Captain's away day to St Mellons, Cardiff. Whitton was one of 50 seniors who travelled to the Welsh capital but many found the fast greens a handful.

The visiting procession was split into teams of three and the trio of Lou, Peter Farrington and Chris Westmacott led the field. Cecil Wheatstone, John Addis and John Church-Jones came second after losing on countback while Peter Metcalf, Graham Baum and Bob Cooper claimed third place. Chris Downs produced the longest drive whilst the two nearest pin prizes went to Peter Plumb and John Hebdon.

The B team made the journey to Leominster on June 2 and had a torrid time losing 4-2. Roger Beaman, partnered by Stan Beale, produced the only win for the visitors while Club Captain Frank Gallagher with Richard Brough managed to halve their game.

The C team were much more successful and enjoyed a 6-0 win over Worcester Golf & Country Club. C Team Captain Malcolm Thornton and Bob Cooper led the way, winning 5 & 4 while there was also a 5 & 3 win for Dave Edwards and Andrew Mollett. A further three pairs all won 3 & 1.

Finally, Dave Kirk scored a brilliant 44 Stableford points off an 8 handicap during an outstanding Burn Trophy performance. Eighty members took part and good scores were also returned by Jon Matthews, Andy Crispe, Barry Robbins and Alan Docherty. Mr A Owen-Smith, Andrew Stephens and Nigel Gibbs all qualified for the Len Weston knock-out play-offs.

q Despite some humid conditions there was some high scoring in the Men's Invitation at Leominster. Kevin Gibbons and Jeremy Rolph edged a tight competition narrowly ahead of Brendan O'Brien and Ian Stevenson.

Results: Mens Invitation; 1 Kevin Gibbons & Jeremy Rolph 47pts on countback, 2 Brendan O'Brien & Ian Stevenson 47pts, 3 Joss Ingram & Bob Ingram 47 pts.

q Andrew Tanswell was the overall winner in the Robert Williams medal at Summerhill while Elvet Thomas claimed best gross.

Results: Category 1: 1 Evan Illingsworth 63, 2 John Carter 63, 3 Gareth Jones 63; Category 2: John Jones 69, Andrew Evans 69, Ken Watkins 69; 3 Clubs & Putter: Category 1: Richie Powell 37pts, 2 Steve Flemming 33; Category 2: 1 Ian Grinham 38, 2 Ian Jones 31 q Brian Stringer, Wayne Gwynne, Kevin Powell and Des Davies have all qualified for the Chronicle Cup after impressing in the June Medal and qualifying event at Belmont.

Results: 0 -12: 1 Brian Stringer 79-10-69, 2 Wayne Gywnne 81-11-70, 3 Colin Gladwyn 78-6-72; 13-28: 1 Graham Hodgson 86-13-73, 2 Kevin Goodhall 94-19-75, 3 Neal Welding 94-18-76.

q Records fell during the monthly medal competition and Chronicle Cup qualifiers at Hereford Municipal. Seven handicapper Rob Pugh shot one over the course record and returned a fine score of 69-07-62 to win the monthly qualifier ahead of James Marsh (73-8-65). Kevin Childs was the Chronicle Cup top qualifier - restricted to handicaps 10-24 - and will be joined at the finals in Church Stretton on August 4 by Graham Neilson, Jon Owen and club captain Colin Morgan Results, monthly medal: 1 R Pugh 69-07-62, 2 J Marsh 73-08-65; Chronicle Cup Qualifier: 1 Kevin Childs 85-18-67, 2 Graham Neilson 91-24-67, 3 Colin Morgan 87-16-71 q Norman Sockett produced an outstanding round of 77-13-64 to win Herefordshire GC Seniors' Peter Wright Putter. Next were Bryan Matthews, 75-7-68, Ian McIntosh, 81-12-69, 3 Geoff Gobey, 84-13-71, and David Halpern, 97-26-71.

June Medal results; Div 1: Brennan Standell 73-10-63, 2 B.A. Butterworth 75-11-64, 3 Colin Farr 78-11-67; Div 2: 1 Nigel Yarwood 84-18-66, 2 C. Griffiths 90-23-67, 3 Andy Morrison 85-18-67.

Lane Cup (foursomes): 1 Richard Negus & Alex Allen 80-13-66, 2 Rob Waring & Chris Williams 82-13-69, 3 Colin Farr & Ian Foster 82-12-69 Ladies, LGU Medal, Divisional Nett (Full 18); Div 1: 1 C Crisall 73, 2 C Charlton FDS 76; Div 2: 1 G Hayward 69, 2 G Sandford FDS 70; Div 3: P Robinson 75, 2 J Phillips 76.

q Dan Hearn produced some of the best golf of his life to win the Kingstone High School Society's June Stableford. Coming as part of the last pair, Hearn took first place following an amazing round of 29 points to finish well clear of previous clubhouse leader Mark Addis on 23.

There were also close calls in the Divisional Section: Neil McPhersson pipped Andy Thomson on countback after both players amassed 20 points in their Division 2 tussle, while Sam Cockman and Rhodri Kendrick won their second round matches to reach the quarter finals of the knockout shield.

Results; Overall Winner: Dan Hearn 29pts, Runner-up: Mark Addis 23; Div 1 Moray Mackintosh 19; Div 2 Neil McPherson 20; Div 3 Gareth Williams 19; Novice Section Ashley Pace 20 John Preece was the winner of Kingstone High School Society's Mulligan medal. He just pipped Bill Cockman with a nett 19 over the nine holes at Brampton but there was a log jam of players pursuing the minor places in a large entry.

Results, overall: John Preece 38-19-19; Div 1: Moray Mackintosh 32-5-27; Div 2: 1 Alex Price 39-15-24, 2 Rob Paterson 40-14-26; Div 3: 1 L Bill Cockman 39-19-20, 2 Rhodri Kendrick 46-23-23; novice: Tom Mitchell 52-27-25.

Several members played their knockout matches and Gareth Williams, Dave Cook and Andy Thomson progressed in the competition.

q Mike Richards had a hole in one on the 15th at Builth Wells when Kington played an exchange visit to the nearby Welsh club.

Thirty-two players made the trip and the joint winners were Mike Waygood and Geoff Dixon with 43 stableford points.

The Seniors had a day out to Raglan where Phil Gould was the winner.

Results: 1 Phil Gould 36 pts, 2 John A Williams 35, 3 Richard Williams 29, 4 Paul England 29.

Seniors American Foursomes: 1 Terry Inskip and John A Williams 40 pts, 2 Joe James and Dave Hayley 39, 3 Pip Ryde and Craig Mayo 38.