ST MARTIN’S Bowling Club celebrated the centenary of the founding of the club last week.

The main event was on the actual day of the centenary (May 22) when a team representing Bowls England had been invited to play a match.

Prior to the match the mayor of Hereford, councillor Kevin Tillett, had been invited to unveil a commemorative plaque and to start the match vs Bowls England and the next 100 years of bowling at St Martins by bowling the first wood. This emulated his predecessor in 1924 who opened the club in this manner.

Councillor Tillett had only become mayor the previous day, so this was his first official engagement.

Considering the rainy weather the mayor made a suitably short and funny speech allowing the match to start before everyone got too wet.

The players were fine in their wet weather gear but everyone else could retire to the clubhouse and watch through the windows. The match, appropriately, was a draw, three rinks each. A good result for St Martins.

Like most clubs St Martins relies entirely on volunteers from within the membership and, on occasion, calling in favours from friends.  

Following the match and a meal the President of Bowls England, David King-Taylor, made a speech mainly consisting of handing out prizes to winners and losers alike.

The other main event of the celebrations was a free party for all members on the following Sunday. This mainly consisted of a match Youngsters vs the Oldies. The Youngsters ranging in age from seven to 67 and the Oldies from 68 to 95.

As is often said bowls is a game for all! St Martin’s Bowling Club play outdoor grass bowls from April until September and indoor short mat bowls from October to April.

The club welcome old and new bowlers and provide free learner sessions.

For more details contact their captain Sandra Pritchard on 07704 406946 or secretary Richard Walden on 07870 269861. There is more information available on the club’s website at: