HEREFORD boxer Liam O’Hare won his debut TV appearance in style knocking out Yorkshire’s Harry Mathews in the fourth round in Coventry ahead of the European Title fight on Saturday night.

Midlands Super Middleweight Champion, O’Hare, made quite an impression walking into the Skydome Arena to Beethoven’s Fur Elise (Klutch Dubstep Trap Remix) and entertaining with ballet moves that built up to a powerful climax and rapturous applause.

It was quite an entrance that captured his origins as a ballet dancer with the Royal Ballet School before using that talent to become a professional boxer. 

Taking the fight with only eight days’ notice, O’Hare was fighting an experienced cruiserweight boxer who was nearly a stone heavier than him.

But right from the bell, O’Hare showed his superior movement, strength and quick hands forcing the bigger man onto the back foot.

Mathews countered with a few good shots but was repaid in full by some excellent combinations as the Hereford boxer continued to dominated the centre of the ring.

As the fight progressed, O’Hare’s accuracy and powerful body shots began to wear his opponent down and in the fourth round, with Mathews trying to pin O’Hare to the ropes, the Hereford man produced a lightning right hook sending his opponent across the floor to end the contest.  

It was a sweet victory which O’Hare celebrated in his usual style by doing a pirouette. He remains undefeated and based on this showing, he can expect more TV appearances as he advances towards the British Title.

Afterwards O’Hare thanked his supporters and his main sponsor He said: “It was a great night and such a privilege to be on such a big event. I am still improving with each fight and hope that I can continue to get the opportunities to showcase my skills and entertain people.

“I hope to be out again towards the end of July so watch this space.”