HEREFORD RFC head coach Scott Sturdy was left reflecting on an improved performance but second defeat as they fell to a 12-21 home loss against Edwardians.

The Wyesiders contributed to their own downfall by conceding 14 points early in the game.

“It was great to be back at Wyeside for the first home game of the season,” said Sturdy.

“We came up against very strong Edwardians team. They had some exceptional backs in the centre and on the edges.

“They caused us problems early doors, going 14 points down in the first ten minutes always gives you a mountain to climb at this level.

“Our lads though showed real character and played some nice rugby for the rest of the game.

“In the second half we spent 30 to 35 minutes in the Edwardians’ half, mostly on their try-line, but were unable get across for a variety of reasons.

“This week’s performance is a whole step forward from last week’s at Shipston and is definitely something to build on. The HRFC team have some difficult away games to come, next week at Whitchurch and the week after, a local derby at Ledbury. Tough weeks on the road after a difficult start, but the resilience and character shown is something to take into the next games.”

From the kick-off, a handling error made the ball available to the strong Edwardians’ winger, who ran the length of the field, brushing off a couple of tackles to score in the corner for a converted score.

Five minutes later, the ball was moved to the visiting winger who out-flanked the defence to score in the corner and the conversion gave Edwardians a 14-point lead.

Hereford reduced the deficit, when several penalties helped them into the Edwardians’ half and debutant winger, Harvey Whitehead beat his man and dived over in the corner.

Following 20 minutes of end-to-end play an Edwardians’ player broke away from a maul on the Hereford 22 and ran, almost unopposed to the line for their third try, the conversion was successful.

Hereford put the Edwardians under pressure with a succession of driving mauls and as the interval approached the referee lost patience and awarded a penalty try against the Edwardians, taking the half-time score to 12-21.

Playing down the slope in the second half Hereford had the better of possession and field position.

The hosts won a succession of penalties which they kicked to the corner, despite failing consistently to break through the Edwardians’ defence.

However, neither side added to their score and the score remained at 12-21. Hereford played well but fell against a heavier and more experienced side.

The 1870s travelled to Old Yardleians with a much-changed team and had a difficult afternoon losing 36-3.

Ben Wood kicked a penalty goal. On Sunday, the Colts played their first league game of the season against Sutton Coldfield and came out winners 19-15, a great way to start their season.