TALES of Anfield's glory days abounded when former Liverpool skipper Tommy Smith was principal guest at Westfields' 19th annual sportsmen's dinner at the Three Counties Hotel.

Great managers Bill Shankly and Bob Paisley and legendary players such as Ron Yeats, Roger Hunt and John Toshack featured prominently as Smith, who won four Football League Champion-ship medals as well as FA and European Cup honours, entertained the sell-out 300-strong audience.

Smith was also reunited with former international referee Jim Finney and a former school-mate Ed Rehm, now the bursar at the Herefordshire College of Technology, who were among the guests.

After entertainment from Smith and comedian Carl Schofield, there was also a very successful auction with a signed David Beckham Real Madrid shirt fetching £1,300 and a signed, framed photo of the 1966 England World Cup-winning squad raising £1,100.

"The whole evening was very well supported and our guests, sponsors and supporters were fantastic in helping up to raise funds to operate the club and to raise money to enable us to carry out an extension to our allpay.park facilities in our 40th anniversary year," said Westfields' chief executive Andy Morris.

"This event, which was sponsored by Border Office Supplies and Systems and Barclays Bank Hereford, has now become our main fundraising event and forms the backbone of our income to operate the 10 teams at Westfields throughout the season."