WE are having one of those periods that we would certainly like to have avoided where points are not too readily forthcoming for us and one or two problems in the side are arising.

At a time like this, as a manager and a coach, everything is analysed. Videos are studied, mistakes are attempted to be rectified, and we have tweaked with the side by changing the formation and the personnel.

And as disappointed as we are about recent results, particularly away from home, we take a careful view of things to ensure there are no panic measures.

We had two away matches earlier in the season, at Barnet and Mansfield, where we were pathetic.

I felt then, in analysing the performances, that we were not working as hard or as sharply as we should have been to match League 2 sides.

Since then, three away matches at Wrexham, Bristol Rovers and Grimsby, have produced - in parts - acceptable performances. We have passed the ball, got it into good areas and had good movement.

We have not scored in our good spells as frequently as we should have done but to have got nothing from those three games did not do us justice.

The analysis will include preparation, the content of our training schedule, as well as performances from players not in the side at the moment but who have played recently in the reserves.

This week the reserves played Cheltenham at Edgar Street and I hope to have seen performances from players indicating that I have no option but to put them in the side.

I did not see that against Swansea last week but I am hoping that one or two will have forced the issue against Cheltenham.

In the end players must have self belief and confidence and it is very easy for managers and coaches to destroy that.

With a young side, we always expected mistakes to be made and we are being punished for them. It is fair to say that we are conceding some poor goals.

But the overall impression is of a spirit among the players where they are prepared to roll up their sleeves, work hard and get us through this spell that has seen us drop into the bottom half of the table.

The preparation for Grimsby was as thorough as it could have been. We stopped off at the FA Training Centre at Burton for a session en route, stayed overnight and I thought it all stood us in good stead.

I believe that if we continue to work hard and play with confidence, then the away results will change.