THE heavier conditions were reflected in the scores when Ross-on-Wye Ladies held their Autumn meeting which attracted a field of 52.

But Jean Reynolds was consistent with a best gross score of 82 in the silver division, a section which saw Marion Kirkland back victorious after a lean spell.

Nesta Hurst won the Bronze Lady with the best gross of 99 in that section and 43 stableford points.

Results, stableford silver division:1 Marion Kirkland 39 pts, 2 Margaret Davis 38, 3 Ellie Peake 38; bronze: 1 Joyce Mackley 37, 2 Julia Rawlings 34.

Eight birdies were scored on the day.

Herefordshire GC played the first of their winter series of mixed competitions with an exchange partners stableford.

Results, (0-18); 1 Harry Ellam and Jo Hawes 46 pts, =2 Ken Barr and Ann Evans, Cliff Mawby and Janet Hill 43; (19+): 1 Robin Cox and Bridget Wood 48, 2 Dave Evans and Jackie Barr 43, 3 Graham Davies and Eileen Jones 40. The Moyes Trophy for the overall winners went to Cox and Wood.

Kington ladies' October medal, silver division: 1 Anita Dart 85-12-73, 2 Janet Pennell 92-14-78; bronze: 1 Jean Williams 96-24-72, 2 Teresa Goodbirt 96-21-75.

Leominster staged a successful Mixed Am-Am.

Results: 1 Mr and Mrs Rea, Mr Saville and Mrs Atwood (Hagley) 89 pts, 2 Mr and Mrs Lawrence, Mr Edwards and Mrs Palmer (Ross-on-Wye), 3 Nigel and Liz Moore, Gillian Sandell and Greg Bridges (Leominster) 87, 4 Mr and Mrs Ballard, Mr and Mrs Leake (Sapey) 86; back nine: John Ford, Terry Davies, Caroline Charles, Pat Owen 41 pts; front nine: Mike Storr, Chris Privett, Carol Gardner, Lesley Turbutt 45; nearest the pins, men: Ray Kellard (Kington); ladies: Lesley Turbutt (Leominster).