THE Herefordshire Football Association have lost one of their most dedicated servants with the death of Eric Prescott at St Michael's Hospice.

Prescott, who was 76, was a life member of the HFA, having received his life membership medal in 2005, and had served as the organisation's secretary for 15 years from 1982-1997.

He had also served as an FA representative from 1992-7.

Originally from the Welsh Valleys, Eric Prescott's association with the county dated back to the 1950s when he was stationed at RAF Credenhill.

When he left the service, he was a civilian instructor and made his home in the county.

During his time in the RAF, he refereed widely and then went on to become a referees' instructor, examiner and assessor.

"Eric's support of referees and youth football was widely known," said Jim Lambert, who succeeded Prescott as HFA secretary. "But he also gave 23 years' service to the HFA and that is a large chunk of time.

"He was a particularly dedicated supporter of youth football and trekked many a mile across the country in support of county youth sides.

"He was the HFA representative to the HGTA Herefordshire Junior League and was attending meetings right up to the end of last season. You could always rely on Eric's attendance at committee meetings and there are not a lot of people like that."

Prescott's health had deteriorated following the death of his wife Sybil earlier this summer. He had five sons.

Eric Prescott's funeral takes place at St Paul's Church in Tupsley next Tuesday at 1pm and Herefordshire clubs are being asked to observe a minute's silence in his memory before their games this weekend.